
Dewang Mehta Foundation Trust (DMFT) was formed by Ms. Kailash J. Thaker representing the family members of Dewang Mehta and Mr. Harish S. Mehta, co-founder of NASSCOM, representing Dewang’s innumerable friends from the IT industry. They were subsequently joined by Ms. Sangeeta Gupta, Vice President of NASSCOM and other co-founders of NASSCOM, Mr. Ganesh Natarajan and Mr. Jaimin Shah as Trustees. The Trust is ably assisted by Mr. Ashwin Bhatt, a family member of Dewang Mehta’s family.

The public charitable trust is called “Dewang Mehta Foundation Trust” so that the name of Dewang is remembered in future and no one forgets the pioneering efforts and hard work of late Shri Dewang Mehta in establishing India as information technology power.

The public charitable trust has been established for the purpose of narrowing the digital divide and skilling under-privileged youth with focus on entrepreneurship and solving rural challenges.